i think this blog is getting old because i seriously cant think of anything to write. the pig is gone, he returns friday though, but in the form of cut up meat. i was working on rabbit cages, so while i was cutting the wire the cutters slipped and i cut my finger. i have been canning tomatoes, and that really tiring. in fact i am trying to think of something to write so that i can avoid the three pots of tomatoes on the stove. its just when i can tomatoes i am reminded of all the blisters and cuts on my hands and its a little uncomfortable. my grandparents are coming this monday and they get my room. i get to sleep in the barn and that will be fun. that wasn't sarcasm, i really like sleeping out there. its comfortable and quiet and its the only time i can sleep with puppy.
i think later i will post some pictures of my canning efforts.
thats funny. I didn't think you would take the name boo, but to miss out hoo. thats cheating lol.
You normally say boo hoo, so if I said "here are my guinea pigs Boo and Hoo" that would sound really strange. Boo is ok though, and I was telling Chelsea about the rabbit named Yaz in the book and she said to name the other pig Yaz. And I needed a good reason to use it before Eli.
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