we flea fogged our house today. i wouldn't recommend doing that unless you are prepared to clean your whole house, including a large stack of ironing that you just ironed. i just hope that the fleas are gone with all the trouble we went through to get rid of them. and either puppy is allergic to flea bites or there is some other thing bothering her, but all underneath her her (the stomach and legs) is covered in scabs and bloody spots. sorry if i grossed you out. yeah, and we almost killed the other kitten a few days ago. she just suffered a cut on her face but she learned her lesson and hasn't been under the van recently.
i am watching this mosquito slowly die after it blindly ran into the lamp. i suppose i should put it out of its misery but there's something about watching it's legs move around as it tries to get back up, but its to fried.
i got a new bike helmet today and i like it a lot better than my old one. it fits better too. its black with blue flames and chelsea likes it, not that that matters.
precious had six babies. this is funny/sad but she chewed off one of her babies ears. the peanut died so i have five babies but now precious wont feed then properly so i had to put three in with chelsea's bunnie. chelsea's babies are younger than mine but twice as big because they are getting fed better. i think after this i will give precious away because she is a bad mama. the first time i heard that her name was precious i immediately thought of lord of the rings so when ever i think "precious" i think of smeagol and his sinister way of saying precious.
the twins, as i call spaz and binky, are crazy. even if they are not good moms i dont think i will ever get rid of them until they die. binkie is expecting, and i don't know exactly how to put this since its an animal, bit spaz doesn't like boys so i doubt she will ever have kits. spaz and binkie get along so well and are so stupid (sorry, stupid is a mean word) and so funny, i'm glad i bought them. the sleep under and wrapped up in a tarp and when i try to shake them out in the morning they give me this look. its hard to explain, sorta like a combination of how dare you/wheres my food/what took you so long. i know rabbits cant think like that, but still. . .
i just sliced a flea in half with my fingernail. drownings to good for them, they have to be dismembered. sorry if i grossed you out again.
my cat is going to have kittens. i am half excited and half wondering what we are going to do with more cats. people don't want cats, that's why they drop them off on our road and that why there are so many feral toms around here. why don't those toms go pick daisy's or something?
i got these two boy rabbits; i almost laughed when i heard their names. phaty paty and rabby.
my mom just took a video of my explaining smeagol to her and i didn't know it. i showed her a picture of him before and after his discovery of the ring. the one after the discovery that i showed her makes him look cute (i'm laughing here), and she says he looks horrible. i'm sure if everybody had a diet of raw fish they wouldnt look to pretty either.
it was just hinted to me that perhaps i was ready to go to bed.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
glued here by
11:22 PM
Thursday, July 17, 2008
dinky donky
one of the little black kittens was killed today. it was sleeping under the hood of the van and was killed when we started it up. it was pretty sad with my mom and elizabeth crying, i didn't cry though, i just almost threw up when i saw the little bit of blood, probably cause' i was eating something. i would cry if it was my dog though.
puppy doesn't have a lot of fleas, but the ones she does have are really nasty. the bite and the bits turn to scabs and infected boil like things and its gross. she loves to have her belly scratched and would lie there all day if she could. as soon as i get some money i am going to buy her that flea stuff that i cant remember the name of.
i am going to watch a movie now.
glued here by
8:40 PM
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
pink kleenex
its raining so i cant really do much outside. i looked up just now the most recent keyword activity on my blog. you can get it for your own blog at statcounter.com. so the most recent are,
cold fish glue made by lee valley
poem once a hunter met a lion
ac cobra girls (i dont know how that linked to my blog)
numbers 3:11-49
play booym free
arrg half life mod
babs bunny ebay
yorkel puppies
stephen curtis chapman, daddy, your the man in your little girl's dreams
all her daddy's love
most violent indians
nagalan post
celine tessier
she needs her daddy;s love
you know your a homeschooler when school bus
explain psalm 139
her daddy's love stephen curtis chapman
strawberry laptops
and qu21, why would i ever bathe a pig? look up 2 peter 2: 22
now i need to go clean the bathroom.
glued here by
8:33 AM
Monday, July 7, 2008
i'm really bored. max died today so i have one less rabbit. i guess he got too hot or something, but i have plenty more to replace him.
in long sault there is this one house that used to have three huge maple trees that where like 100 years old or something. i loved those trees but today they got cut down. boo hoo. the only reason i can see for them to be cut down is that the owners of the house maybe thought that they could fall on the house in a big storm.
i mentioned to sarah's nannie that we had a pot bellied pig that we where going to eat. i love the reaction i get when i tell that to someone who is a "animal lover". she asked me if i kept the pig in the house, can you imagine what our house would smell like if i kept the pig in the house?
i got paid 200 to watch those dogs for ten days. the pekingese one bit three people and was generally annoying. i'm not one for hurting animals for the fun of it but every time i took coco for a walk i though how light he was and how easy it would be to swing him around on his leash. that sounds so mean.
we are going swimming today and i cant wait.
glued here by
5:03 PM