I saw this video on a different blog and I thought it was pretty cool.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
life without limbs
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5:21 PM
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Dads home
I went for a bike ride with Puppy up to the ponds today, it was lots of fun and since the strange grassy stuff has not come up the surface of the pond, it was tempting to jump in. But it was windy and I have a cold so I figured it wasn't a good idea. Yesterday Puppy broke the front brakes on my bike and the back brakes don't really work, so I don't have brakes. So today when Puppy and I were going really fast down the lane way and suddenly she decided to stop in front of my front tire I couldn't really stop. I did a front flip and skinned my knees really bad, I spent about half an hour picking gravel out of my knees with my pocket knife while Sarah and Chelsea watched and grimaced. Mom suggested I take pictures, so I will take one before I put peroxide on and after, after the camera battery charges. My knees hurt so bad but I can still walk, barely. But I learned a lesson today, never bike with your dog when you don't have brakes.
Nobody knew it was lost (except Abby), but I found my laptop. For some odd reason I put it in its case and then not knowing it was in there I put the case away.
I watched Return of the Daughters again, that movie gets better every time I watch it. There has to be some way I could help my dad at home even though he is a pastor and is studying a lot. I cant stand not being busy and not being responsible for something big. Girls my age handle their family's money, or help with their dads business, and I guess have more things to do besides sitting around. I am really good at washing dishes and changing babies diapers but I have practically no experience handling money and checking and all that. I think I have used a credit card three times and I had to have the cashier show me how to use it, which was kinda embarrassing. I don't have to go to college and get a degree but I would like to be busy at home besides cleaning the bathroom and drying dishes for lunch.
I am not trying to be mean, and hopefully I don't get in trouble for saying this, but I think everybody in my family (including me of course) lives off of arguing and debating. Abby and Lizzie where setting the table and they spent a few minutes deciding who should get the pink dolls plate. Ben and Tim argue about whether its head or noggin and Elijah and I love to argue about whether its better to upload one picture at a time or four. That kind of stuff goes on all day long, especially between John and Elizabeth. Those two are constantly at each other.
My mom is reading a poem called the Milkmaid and all the "Sir, she said" and its is bugging me. Josiah put handles on the cupboards the begging of this week and Nate has just now noticed them. I am really thirsty so I will get a drink now.
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8:06 PM
I am just experimenting with videos. Sadly I cant put the eight minute long one on here, its too big. This one is John being bored and making faces.
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7:11 PM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
more bla
I guess every body is getting sick again. I would like to go to church tonight but yesterday when I went out my temperature went up. So I guess I am afraid I'll get worse if I go. I just don't like missing services.
It looked like it would rain today but it only sprinkled. But there was a nice wet smell when the wind blew into the house.
When I have a fever during the night I get the weirdest dreams, the higher the fever the weirder the dream. Monday night I dreamed that my dad decided to buy a small hound and he named it Sprocket. He went to Walmart and bought this dog all sorts of toys and beds and even its own towel, he bought the dog everything you could imagine. When we got out of the store (I was suddenly with him) he looked at the heaped cart and said he had over done it. As he went to look through his stack of receipts to take some stuff back, the receipt wasn't there so he had to keep the stuff. Last night after coming home from Cornwall my temperature was past 101 ( I cant remember exactly) I dreamed this thing that I always dream and I can remember it but I can't describe it. Something between stabbing myself, burning up and being lifted away by a gigantic bird that is about to crush everything. And at the same time I am drowning myself in cold water while sitting on a high wall watching everybody. For some reason it reminds me of a Picasso painting.
While my mom was about to turn (in town last night) I saw this van in front of me and thought that wouldn't it be funny if that where the Underwood's van, and it was. So yeah, Mrs. Underwood, I saw you.
I have to go put the dishes away from lunch. Lunch was almost five hours ago and I finally am getting to do my chore. Hopefully everybody starts getting well soon.
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4:27 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008
I haven't written for about a week, which is abnormal. Probably because I have been at Jill's house a lot, or the computer was broken, or I didn't feel like writing. Right now I don't fell like writing because I feel like I am sick. Like when you get the flu and you are weak and light headed and when you lift a glass of milk it seems heavy.
McIntire got hit by a car (and died) and Gwandle has gotten used to the outdoors. Josiah built Puppy a doghouse and Puppy keeps jumping on me. Snickers had a weird cough this morning and he couldn't bark, but sadly that condition didn't last long. I'll have to get the bark collar working again I guess. Jill is giving us one of her kittens when they are born to replace McInire.
Trampolines cost too much, in my opinion. I wish it would rain.
Ok I wrote something, I am going to go lie down now. Or maybe I'll go sit in the sun with my kitty.
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12:57 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
gorgie porgie
Ah Linux, I am beginning to understand why it frustrates people. I guess you could say it has a few more games on it than Windows but thats it so far, I mean after spending a few hours waiting for Nate to get the DVD player to work (and it never worked) and then now my headphones wont work and its a little confusing. I cant install my IM and when I go to download Gimp I am told that it is very likely that I already have a Gimp package installed so therefor I should not have to download Gimp. It (Gimp) must be well hidden because I cant find it. Caleb was helping me but for some reason he signed out just after he told me he was back.
Today was a rather wet and cold day. I don't mind wet and I don't mind cold but I do mind them put together, especially when I have to clean up three trillion dog messes that are turning to mush. The reason I say three trillion is because when they get wet and start to be mushed into the ground, a small dog pile suddenly multiplies its mess to clean up. At least they didn't smell like they do in the summer.
Its fun to rake up mushy apples and leaves, and thats not sarcasm, I enjoyed doing that.I just have to put it all on the compost now, but its fun. School is fun and all but when its spring and its warming up and there are a bunch of stupid sea gulls outside waiting to have a rock thrown at them and the flowers are coming up, I would much rather be outside then to be in doing math or biology.
Speaking of biology, I am more than halfway through my current module and this has been the easiest yet. Probably because DNA has always fascinated me and I have read so many books about it. Sadly a lot of those books where based on evolution and billions of years, but they were still interesting.
Chelsea's friend Anna came to youth group tonight and on the way to the church she started lamenting about global warming and that all the polar bears are dieing. I basically said boo hoo, I wont miss them and then I told her that there is no such thing as global warming, she just looks at me like an idiot that didn't know anything. Then she said that nobody was perfect (which is true), not even God, which is not true. She also says that in Heaven it wont be perfect and that it will be just like how we are living now. So as I was explaining the truth, Chelsea started saying a few things and I was surprised at how much she knew. In church sometimes she looks half asleep and she tells me later that she was bored but I think that what she is hearing is sticking better then I thought.
I certain friend of mine emailed me some creepy and cute pictures and I will post them when I get a chance.They are mostly about cats, so if you are a cat lover beware. These pictures are rather humiliating and possibly degrading to those proud creatures called cats. And Joseph, I do like Sammy, sort of. I just like my cat better, she loves being petted anytime and she isn't scared around new people or Timmy sitting on her or pulling her tail or choking her or throwing her or shoving her into laundry baskets or laying on her or pretty much trying to kill her under the disguise "cute little kid loves kitty (to death)".
Tomorrow I am going to the home and something show at the civic with my mom so I should be going to bed. Jill wants me to sleep over but my mom says she would like me to get a good nights sleep on Saturday night. I actually sleep better on Jill's futon then on my own bed, I don't wake up at all at her house during the night but I do in my room at home. Maybe when Nate moves out it will better in that room and hopefully he will leave that fan there because I love that fan.
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10:20 PM
Monday, April 7, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
there is no title
Today was busy. I spent the night at Chelsea's house then I cleaned the church and then went to several stores and the library and then came home. I was supposed to start supper right away but I was given leave to my dog for a walk. On this walk I came across something lying on the road, I was not sure what it was until Josiah informed me (well, I had a vague idea), but anyways, it was disgusting. People really need to throw their garbage away instead of tossing it out on the road. So this thing got on my shoe and when I got home I washed my shoe off and then accidentally tossed the rag into the clean dish water. Ooops.
I went for a walk with my mom and Sarah and that was nice. With all the snow melting and it being warmer its really nice out. Along one of the horse farm roads the snow has melted a whole lot so that there is a small stream complete with waterfalls going across the road that is rather deep. Sarah and I had no trouble going past that by walking on the snow beside the road but my mom sank. When I sank yesterday and completely soaked my feet and shoes I thought it felt kinda nice but my mom felt like she was walking around on blocks of ice. The pussy willows in the back are looking nice; I love the feeling of the fuzzy blooms, its so soft. And Josiah, I will call them pussy willows until you prove me wrong. Like bring me a book or something on the internet that proves me wrong. So there.
I don't like playing freestyle atv on the playstation with Chelsea (and racing too) because when I start winning she suddenly decides that we don't need to play anymore and quits the game. I was racking up points really fast and catching up to her score (next time Jeff wont help her) and when I finally got caught up she quit. And I was racing and I was in second and she was in seventh or eighth and the she quit because she said the track was to dark. Next time we will finish the game.
A little girl names Alissa was killed in Cornwall last Thursday. Why do people do that? I already know why but still, that was crazy. At least the parents are back together because of it, thats good; her dad blames himself because he wasn't there.
Its getting late and I don't want to be falling asleep in church tomorrow like last Sunday, actually many Sundays. So this is it.
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10:19 PM
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
I bought Samuel a Habs car seat cover and as soon as I am allowed to touch the new camera then I will post a picture. Dad bought a new camera today and even though I didn't break the old one, I am not allowed to touch the new one. But in a few months that will change, I just have to work up the trust again. I cant stand it when people drop things and break them and since nobody knows who did it, everybody gets punished.
Don't worry about the Bob the Builder lyrics, I am temporally crazy because I am very tired.
I accidentally download a bunch of Trojan horse virus so my laptop is really really messed up. I mean really messed up, for one thing it keeps signing out on me and once it when into hibernation (the battery was fully charged, and it was plugged in) without me telling it to. Then it is really slow and when I type its behind, like it cant keep up with my typing and is a few sentences behind.
I went to the library today. They dropped me off at almost two and I got my books and DVDs in about half an hour, moseyed around for about ten minutes to see if they actually have witchcraft/spell books there, and they do, and then I went to wait for my dad. He took awhile coming but he did come. While I was waiting the Joseph family came so I talked to them for a few minutes.
I am going to bed now, so goodnight.
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10:45 PM
this is for all the bob the builder fans
Take your places
Can we fix it
Yes, we can
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it
Bob the Builder
Yes, we can
Scoop, Muck and Dizzy and Roley too
Lofty and Wendy join the crew
Bob and the gang have so much fun
Working together, they get the job done
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it
Bob the Builder
Yes, we can
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it
Bob the Builder
Yes, we can
Time to get busy, such a lot to do
Building and fixing till it's good as new
Bob and the gang make a really good sound
Working all day till the sun goes down
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it
Bob the Builder
Yes, we can
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it
Bob the Builder
Yes, we can
It's a perfect job
Can you fix it
Left a bit, right a little, O.K. straight down
We can tackle any situation
Look out, here we come
Can we dig it Yes
Can we build it Yes
Can we fix it Yes
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it
Bob the Builder
Yes, we can
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it
Bob the Builder
Yes, we can
Digging and mixing, having so much fun
Working together, they get the job done
Can we dig it Yes
Can we build it Yes
Can we fix it Yes
Bob the Builder
Bob the Builder
All together now
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it
Bob the Builder (Bob... Fantastic)
Yes, we can
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it
Bob the Builder
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it
Bob the Builder
Yes, we can
We'd better get some work done
Are you ready, Bob
What about you, Lofty
I'm a bit scared
Ok team, let's go
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 everybody's outside
So come on let's ride
To the builder's yard around the corner
The gang's all here and it's time for us to do
What we wanna
There's a house with a roof that leaks
It's an urgent job and it could take us weeks
There's Dizzy, Lofty and Roley too
And Wendy always knows just what to do
And there's no job too big or small
With Scoop and Muck we can do it all
Metal, brick or wood it's all good
And we can always send in the tractor
A little bit of timber and a saw
A little bit of fixing that's for sure
A little bit of digging up the roads
A little bit of moving heavy loads
A little bit of tiling on the roof
A little bit of making waterproof
A little bit of concrete mixed with sand
A little bit of Bob, the builder man
Jump up and down and move it all around
Mix it up to the sound
Dig a hole in the ground
Take one step left and one step right
One to the front and one to the side
Clap your hands once
And clap your hands twice
And if it looks like this
Then you're doin' it right
A little bit of timber and a saw
A little bit of fixing that's for sure
A little bit of digging up the roads
A little bit of moving heavy loads
A little bit of tiling on the roof
A little bit of making waterproof
A little bit of concrete mixed with sand
A little bit of Bob, the builder man
Mambo number six, and seven eighths
I say, is this Mambo number five
Six and seven eighths
No, it's Mambo number five, silly
Tractor, tractor
That's a lovely job, Bob
A little bit of timber and a saw
A little bit of fixing that's for sure
A little bit of digging up the roads
A little bit of moving heavy loads
A little bit of tiling on the roof
A little bit of making waterproof
A little bit of concrete mixed with sand
A little bit of Bob, the builder man
There's Roley, Lofty, Scoop, Muck and Dizzy
So much work to keep us all busy
And we can fix it, yes we can
With the team, and Bob
The builder man
A little bit of Bob, Bob, Bob
The builder man
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10:44 PM