These pictures will either make you laugh, creep you out or make you say "sure, ok whatever". I got them here.
9 years ago
Live your life so as to be missed when you are gone
These pictures will either make you laugh, creep you out or make you say "sure, ok whatever". I got them here.
glued here by
11:22 AM
Nice pictures I like, no I don't laugh at them or say sure,ok whatever. And I went to the link to see where you got them and my comp at first didn't then it went and I got dumb pop ups that I ended quickly. so I never got to see the site
your computer is messed up, i dont get any pop ups.
Our firefox browser blocks pop ups.
Yes I know it should be but I have a virus remember, so it doesn't work right.
yes i did remember you had a virus, thats why i said it was messed up.
"I have a virus remember, so it doesn't work right."
Really. I didn't realize that you were so close to your computer that IT would fail to work properly just because YOU have a virus.
I will be glad when I can open this blog page withOUT seeing ping-pong ball bug eyes staring back at me.
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