Sunday, October 14, 2007


Kingdom Protista is divided into two main groups: protozoa (proh' tuh zoh' uh) and algae (al' jee). These groups are not phyla. Instead, each group contains several phyla; thus, they are often called subkingdom Protozoa and subkingdom Algae. Most protozoa exist as individual, single-celled creatures, while most algae form colonies. Whereas most protozoa are heterotrophic, most algae are autotrophic. Finally, most protozoa have a means of locomotion, while most algae simply float on or near the top of a body of water.

Within the two subkingdoms, there is an amazing amount of diversity. There are four major phyla in subkingdom Protozoa: phylum Mastigophora (mas tih gah' for uh), phylum Sarcodina (sar kuh die' nuh), phylum Ciliophora (sil ee ah' for uh), and phylum Sporozoa (spor' uh zoh' uh). These phyla are distinguished from one another based on their organisms' method of locomotion. Subkingdom Algae, on the other hand, contains five major phyla: phylum Chlorophyta (klor' uh fye' tuh), phylum Chrysophyta (cry' so fye' tah), phylum Pyrrophyta (pie' roh fye' tuh), phylum Phaeophyta (fay' uh fye' tuh), and phylum Rhodophyta (roh' duh fye' tuh). Organisms are separated into these phyla based on habitat, organization, and type of cell wall.

Someone explain this to me in English!


Rebekah said...

Hi, Sarah. Thanks for the link to my blog. I'll stop by here once in a while.
Biology was never my favorite, so I can't help you! Sorry!

Anonymous said... not the easiest thing to remember. All those words that no one can pronounce. sry as well i guess