This is what happens when you (Nathanael) take too many pictures of me, I have a headache, just washed a bunch of pots, And the only bug juice left was cherry. I wont put the thing about the cupcake in here. I haven't had my daily quota of cookies yet, so later I'll post more. Maybe then something worth posting will have happened. Besides, Josiah wants to use the computer.
Hi wike to gay whi garkas. Yi gum iz diddy. Thats all I could get out of him, he was too interested in his gum.
All this afternoon John and Timmy have been at each other! Timmy hits John and John stands there and cries, then John bugs Timmy and Timmy in return grabs Johns face and John screams. John will then take Timmy's toy or book away and then Timmy screams. Also while the guys play computer games, Timmy and John keep pressing the esc or enter button which causes annoyed outbursts from Ben and Elijah resulting in more crying from John and Timmy. Timmy came into the kitchen where I was making dad's cake and pulled the mixer cord which made the whole thing fall on the floor. Finally Timmy falls asleep and there is a little bit of peace, except for outbursts from the guys when reprimanded for something they didn't they were doing wrong. I am very tired and and I feel sick from icing so I am going to bed.
9 years ago
I knew you would use that pic. at the same time I didn't think you like the picture enough to show it.
I don't know what timmy is saying this time, it is a bit confusing
I debated for a while whether or not to use it. I don't like that picture enough to post it big, like the other pictures, but I liked it enough to post it. Timmy says: I like to play with markers. My gum is dirty.
Man my cold must be making me dumber or something that looks to easy.
I love that cat picture, where did you get it from.
Thats were I got the cat and the baby. Yes, I was surprised you couldn't figure that out.
its supposed to be a cat burglar
I don't go online to much to look for them.
When I say I don't go online to much I mean like three a week of five min periods, and other times in 2 hrs but thats for games not looking up pics. other times I just don't think of them.
Most of the time I only use the computer to blog and email. I hardly ever play games. Whats it like, playing games? hehehehe
Um thats one other thing thats hard to explain.. their good when you have nothing to do at all. but sometimes get annoying with all the glitchs in the game.
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