Tuesday, February 12, 2008

donkey donk

I was watching the kids yesterday while my parents were in town and that was like listening to the baha men's song "who let the dogs out" while eating spaghetti upside down. John kept spitting on everybody and throwing things and knocking laundry down while I am trying to do school.

I learned yesterday that Richard Simmons is really scary. He has got this hair that is all boingy and he has a high voice that reminds me of people breathing helium and he is so bouncy and moving around. Maybe he does breath helium and that has affected his mental abilities. But anyways, he is freaky.

I want to go skating (for my birthday) one of these weekends. The canal is actually able to be skated upon but we wouldn't be able to play hockey. But then Chelsea doesn't want to play hockey and I really like beaver tails, but I want to play hockey.

The kids are home from school so I think I'll stop now. I'll probably write later.


Anonymous said...

Richard Simmons was one of the icons of my generation. Well, actually of the generation that was maybe ten years older than me. I had the same opinion of him then that you have of him now. But lots of women raved about him, lost weight to his videos, and ate his diets.

I wonder who the people are who are icons now in your generation that your children will think are freaky?

PJ said...

there is a lot of those people who like them. me, I dislike them. they look scary and sound freaky. and I most likely wouldn't want to be anywhere near them.

PJ said...

Nice hockey pics as well. which makes me wonder why did you put the Montreal Canadians on there and not only sens?

zorg said...

Well, I am trying to figure out which team I like best.Thats why I put both.

I don't know who are the icons now, except maybe music groups or something. I don't really care.

zorg said...

and i listed them in order of importance.

PJ said...

Listed what? Hockey teams? I mean I like the sens but. the Habs are better.

Twinklemoose said...

It's been five years since I last skated on the canal! If you come, maybe we could join you? My kids would like it too.

Anonymous said...

Jon thought there were areas for hockey. Maybe around Dows Lake??

zorg said...

I listed the teams in order of importance, so i still like the sens better.