Ok, starting tomorrow my blog will no longer be thewayiam---number3 it will be thewayiamnumber3
So tomorrow I will change the address of my blog.
Just to add something, you people who have links to my blog will have to change them.
9 years ago
Live your life so as to be missed when you are gone
Ok, starting tomorrow my blog will no longer be thewayiam---number3 it will be thewayiamnumber3
So tomorrow I will change the address of my blog.
Just to add something, you people who have links to my blog will have to change them.
glued here by
9:24 PM
I don't get it. Why change it.
because i want to put a blog log on here and the site i am getting it from doesn't like the dashes, it says its an invalid url format. i dont want to change it, but nate says something like he cant do anything about it.
but the blog itself is not changing, just the address. nothing big
so ... you're going to try to trap me by spying on who reads you're blog. well, i guess i only have a little more time ... or maybe you have a secret way of telling that it's me.
i am not a mr. in my opinion mr.'s should never play these sorts of games with girls on the internet. my blog is for you and me and others like us. "they" read it sometimes, and sometimes i write things that would benefit "them", but it was started for "us"--that half of the population of which we are.
you know, you could probably figure this out very easily without some sort of log because the computer you use probably has cookies enabled. now, for a computer techie, i have pretty much just given myself away.
hehe i feel so evil. i forgot about my statcounter, so i am going to go look at that now.
how often have i seen you?
often enough, i guess. but there's another way to figure out who i am.
do you have kids?
um, yes. in fact, i do. :) not the goat kind, though.
haha funny funny! i think i know who you are, but i'll keep guessing
how many children?
what you want is for me to give myself away instead of outright guessing. i'm not telling how many lambs i have.
i don't want to guess until i am sure, and i am not 100% sure yet.
do you write on this blog often?
depends on when i have time for the computer.
What did you do after your wedding?
this is starting to sound like "twenty questions". after our wedding we drove away in a car.
be more specific. like did you do an activity afterwards? and what was the weather like, spring, summer, fall or winter?
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