Thursday, November 15, 2007

DVDs that I want to watch

Well, I am finally posting. Josiah got his three DVDs today and we have been watching them. The three he got are Pilgrims Progress, Sheffy and God's Outlaw (which is about William Tyndale). The DVDs that I want to get next are End of the Spear and The cross and the switchblade. I couldn't find anything about The cross and the switchblade on pluggedin but I did find stuff about End of the Spear. That movie is a little violent, but they are known as the most violent Indians and the film maker had to make sure we knew that. Here is some of what pluggedin had to say:

The scene in which the missionaries are murdered is especially intense, as the majority of it is played out in slow motion. (Short clips of the event are later replayed.) A still-alive and moving Nate lies with a spear in his chest as blood stains his shirt and he watches his friends being slaughtered one by one. We twice see dead bodies in the river.

I read five chapters in my book about Benedict Arnold. He finally turned traitor and he book gets more interesting, thats what I have been waiting for since I started reading it. Now I just have to answer some questions about what I read and I'll be good. School is pretty interesting. It's just this blog is tempting so I don't always stick to it thats why the rule that I wasn't allowed to be on the internet until I had done some work from every subject was installed.

I am not really tired, but dad says it is time for me to go to bed. He says I need my "ugly" sleep. . .


Christy said...

sheffy is great, as is everything BJ. end of the spear is a GIGANTIC HUGE disappointment. it's not the real story.... it's not even fit to have jim elliot's name on it. read the book and trash the movie. for the full story read "through gates of splendor" followed by "savage my kinsman", "these strange ashes" and finally "passion and purity." you might want to let your mom watch the cross and the switchblade with you. it's an amazing story, but it has some scenes of graphic sin, such as drug use and prostitution. you may need to use the fast forward button a bit.

i know i'm not siskel or anything but... just a little friendly opinion.

zorg said...

Yeah, I liked Sheffy. I have read "through gates of splendor" and "savage my kinsman", but not the other two. My mom says she will watch the cross and the switch blade with me. I read the book for school this year, and started to read "run baby run" by nick cruz, when I was 12 or so but I got a little sick over that book. does the movie show nudity or something? or is it stuff between a guy and a girl like making out? my mom would probably like to know before we by it. My mom also said she wants to find out more about end of the spear.

Anonymous said...

um.... what is ugly sleep? I.... don't think I have heard of that before.

zorg said...

instead of saying beauty sleep i guess. i don't know

Granny Kate said...

Christy, thanks for your input. I hardly knew anything about End of the Spear except that it was from Hollywood? See, I don't even know that for sure. I don't think we'll watch it. Cross and the Switchblade will probably be a mother-daughter thing, since I won't want the younger ones to see it yet.

Passion and Purity is waiting on the shelves for when someone interesting enters Sarah's life. So far, thankfully, that hasn't been one of her interests.

Anonymous said...

are you sure?...

Christy said...

End of the Spear is just a big disappointment. the story was changed in huge ways, and the fact that nate saint's not so good son re-wrote the script is the problem. he has a personal pro-sodomite agenda, and i can tell you that God is no where near that movie or the "un-work" nate saint's son is trying to do in the elliot's ministry with the aucas.

as for the cross and the switchblade... definitly not for younger veiwers. i would say 16 (maybe older for very sheltered children). there are scenes with teenagers "making out" but those are'nt too bad. prostitution is an issue that's very much dealt with and talked about "in depth". the worst part is the drug use. not your average drugs either but hard core addictions. it will really open your eyes to inner-city missions, but it will also subject you to things you probably will never need to know about.

Christy said...
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Anonymous said...

why is it copying

zorg said...

I don't know why it keeps copying. I'll just keep deleting the second comment.

Anonymous said...

I think your comp is busted.