Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Why does there have to be a title?

I have had 703 visitors since starting this blog. I remember just yesterday when I had only 605, a hundred visitors in one day. But a lot of the visitors were not unique, so I didn't get very many NEW visitors.

I went out with Ben to take care of the dogs and I realized that it is cold. Thankfully the dogs were quick doing there "business" tonight, I'm not sure how much Ben would have lasted. Since I am not a normal sane person, I will tell you that it is funny to see the ste -- oh never mind, it's too gross. But you are curious now aren't you? Don't you want to know what I was about to write? Wouldn't you like it so much if I finished my sentence?

We were watching a 30,000 millisecond long thing about surviving on a 1812 battleship, hosted by Roger Daltry, he is a Brit, and had a funny accent and used the word bloody a lot. In my opinion he said way to many swear words, words that my younger siblings probably had never heard so they didn't know they were bad. We will see if they start saying them one of these days.

Chelsea came over here right after getting of the bus. She was listening to her mp3 player and had it turned up loud, loud enough for us to hear the words. First, I don't know how she can listen to the stuff, and second, why does Reanna sing so weird? Those of you who have never heard her sing probably don't know what I mean, but her voice sounds like a cros between a opera singer ( maybe a little like Pavarotti singing Ave Maria) and a chicken being run over by a freight train. You may be able to tell by that last statement that I don't like chickens or opera one little bit. The only person I like to listen to that sings opera is that cell phone sales man, Paul Potts. It is nice that he won the Britain's got talent variety show.

My dad wants me to got to bed now.


Anonymous said...

Does the 703 mean every person over and over or just new people?
I know what you mean about the music I've heard way to many songs and I can make fun of just about all of them. my parents want me to as well.

Anonymous said...

it means every person over and over with a few new people.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You know your little clip, well.... I have a song you should hear which is a lot better.

Anonymous said...

what is it? i'm very curious!

Anonymous said...

Its the orignal star wars episode 6 ending. lots of ewoks. if you don't know what that is ask nate.

zorg said...

Yeah, I have no idea what ewoks are, but I do know there is an episode 6 of star wars.

zorg said...

Ewoks are a fictional species of hunter-gatherers in the Star Wars universe. They are native to the forest moon of Endor. now I know what they are.

Anonymous said...

You missed one thing, they are really small, and have high pitch voices because they are all played by little kids.

Anonymous said...

O and midgets. dwarfed people.