This is the gangsta version, I could only find the original adult version.
9 years ago
Live your life so as to be missed when you are gone
This is the gangsta version, I could only find the original adult version.
glued here by
10:09 PM
Um........................ No! Thats not right. it sounds um.. not.... to... good. to much beat. to messed up. I should show that to pats sisters(not) who watch that show all most all the time.
you watched it!!!!!! I don't believe it!! Yeah it sounds terrible I know, I don't like it. this afternoon I'm gonna search for the original and put that on.
Has anyone seen the Bob the Builder birthday card we have here? I should bring it tonight. ha ha
I haven't seen it. Tired of calling yourself prudence?
you have not seen it. ouch thats funny.
When I wrote that comment I hadn't seen the card.
Yeah, moved on from Pru. I get bored easily...Ooops I used the b word not allowed here.
hahaha, I think I may have used the b word. Maybe that one Sunday when I created that very long sentence.
Uh oh, Pru/tt's mom! You said you were bored! That means you have to clean one of my cupboards. Let's see...the one with the spices, honey, soup, rice, beans, and a bunch of other stuff needs thoroughly cleaned and organized, and new shelf papers put in. Make sure you stop at the church on the way to pick up that big roll of newsprint. That's what we use for shelf paper.
The b word is something my mom outlawed for me in all things. I seem to keep running out of my own thoughts about things.
if I say that I am bored out loud in front of my mom, she will think of chores for me to do.
same here. but I was speaking of homeschool trips, biology, esays, longtrips.
Yeah, i get bored when I write essays and the like. Once I wrote a poem about how I couldn't write my book report, and sadly it wasn't excepted. I only get bored on trips if it gets slow.
slow you mean like 12 hr trips. or like how you guys whent(sp) from one end of the states to the other. It makes get bored and after that I end up doing something to amuse my self which normaly is something annoying to others. or talking weird as you already know.
Sry on spelling. I meant it makes me get bored.
I like your new name! I do remember getting extremely bored on that trip. And when we go to my grandparents after 4 hours of sitting I tend to start annoying my younger siblings.
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