Tuesday, January 22, 2008


My brother Timmy is standing on the chair behind me begging to watch Bob. I told him no and he says "wah puppy, Rarah", meaning he wants to watch the kipper movie. I said no and he says "cookie Rarah, cookie". I said no, so now he is taking books of the bookshelf. I told him go to bed and he says "no", so I said that I was taking him to mommy and he says "no, don't take me to mommy Rarah". "Bob the builder Rarah? wah Bob the builder?" No! No! No! No!

My room is much cleaner today and dad washed the mold of the wall and its very nice. I threw away a lot of unimportant (I made sure) papers without them looking. Hehehe I feel evil. I am going to put all those boxes downstairs and then they wont have anything to play with, bwahahaha!! My room will be clean, for a little while at least, then they manage to have toys reappear when I thought I had hidden them. Arrrg.

It snowed a lot today, and it looks so pretty outside. All the trees laden with white fluffy stuff and the ground's lumps and disfigures are disguised. The only thing is, is that the cold makes me cough and it has to be cold for the snow to stay here and well, you cant have warm weather and snow at the same time.

I hate it when McIntire hides on Gwandle making Gwandle mew like a lost little thing. It reminds me of the kittens in Avonmore when Molly started weaning them. I guess I could be glad she is actually mewing though, she never used to do that. Never say never.

Joseph made a rather interesting comment on his blog, the kind of comment that keeps popping up in your brain all day for some reason, I don't know why.

Everybody is in my moms room reading books by candle light so dad is out here reading his book. He took his shoes off to.

I played worms a lot and since I haven't played it for so long I had to get used to the game again. O kept blowing my own worms up or shooting the grenade to far or something. Its really funny, like I got a shotgun and started popping a enemy worm and he was going in that high pitched kids voice "oww eeee ow ow ow oooh eee" as he bounces around in the little hole I made when I aimed wrong and killed my own worm; its hilarious.

Its almost ten, so this is it.


PJ said...

sorry if I bothered you about it. I just some times need to say something and well Kaylyn's been making fun of me and other people and I feel like telling them that but I don't because it just doesn't feel right.

zorg said...

no, you didn't bother me.

now what exactly didn't feel right?

PJ said...

I told you I am very bad at expressing my self. lots of people I talk to, misinterpet what I say.

zorg said...

oh yeah, I forgot. do I do that? hopefully not very often.

PJ said...

no not really..... sry just thinking. Well... never mind.

Anonymous said...

ok, never mind

Anonymous said...

I'm warning you,Sarah.if you dident know,this is Abby.And I had better stay in our room more,in case you want to throw any more stuff away.And
I should start throwing away some of
your stuff away.No,more like getting
into the habit of doing it.hehehehehe

PJ said...

Um.... sure Hobo. Right. ok have fun there hobo.

zorg said...

well hobo, you leave lots more stuff on the floor than I do.

Anonymous said...

You know,you do 'PUT' a lot of stuff on the floor,and I have every right to throe stuff away.And,zorg is just as weird as hobo.

Anonymous said...

Not a whole lot. Besides why cant I throw stuff on the floor? you do all the time. I don't want to miss out on all the fun.

Granny Kate said...

Zorg and Hobo, as the mother I need to interject something. Two little sisters actually do make more of a mess than the one older sister. Not to say that the older one never makes a mess, but it's not usually as big of a mess.

If you don't want it thrown away, get it off the floor your own self. If Zorg throws something away, it's because she has parental permission to do so. She's not trying to be mean, she's just tired of the mess.

I love you, Hobo!

PJ said...

ok well to me this sort of thing can be sored out mother to kids other than online. it makes it seem like you don't live together

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean, Joseph, but when they go at it on line I sort of feel like the rest of the world needs to know that there really is a mother involved!

Actually, we do talk off line.